About me

Hello, I am a post-doctoral researcher at RMIT University’s EV living lap in Australia. I obtained my Ph.D. from the same institution in 2022, under the supervision of Prof. Reza Hoseinnezhad, Prof. Alireza Bab-Hadiashar, and Dr Amirali. My research primarily focuses on machine learning (ML) and computer vision (CV) topics such as anomaly detection, ML applications for electric vehicle, Bayesian deep learning, information theory, Random finite set thory and its applications (3D , image classification, and object detection.

In addition to my research, I have experience working as a tutor and lab demonstrator for the Machine Learning and different engineering courses at RMIT University in 2021 and 2022. Prior to that, I was also a lab demonstrator and teaching assistant for courses like Digital Fundamental and Modelling and Simulation of Engineering. I am an active reviewer for top-tier journals such as expert system with applications.

I am passionate about using theoretical research to develop novel solutions for practical industrial problems. As a lifelong learner, I am always seeking new knowledge to improve my understanding of ML and CV. When I am not working, I enjoy reading📖, jogging, and savoring a good cup of coffee☕. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me.